
Meet Us

Hi! We’re two best friends that decided to start a blog! Read below to learn about us and the story behind why we started our blog.

Ashly Hospodka


Carley Taylor


Why We Made This Blog

I guess you could call this blog our passion project. As aspiring journalists, writing and creativity are essential factors in how we live our lives. We’ve talked about doing this for years, but never had the nerve. As we got more into pop-culture, fashion, and the journalism field there was even more of a calling to start a blog. Getting older and knowing more about ourselves, we feel excited to share our thoughts and feelings with others like never before.

Our Story

When we were fourteen, we met at lunch and happened to have the same class together. In this class we soon realized that we had a lot of stuff in common such as an obsession for tv shows and movies as well as being shy. From this came friend-group drama, prom and homecoming together, an obsession with coffee, and now being in our senior year of college with the same major and planning our life-long friendship goals.